If you have met me one time or see me daily, the one and only consistent thing I wear, aside from my wedding band and engagement ring, is this:

I often wear up to 12 rings - all fingers with possible multiples except my pinky, which I haven’t yet found the perfect ring for.  I mix metals.  Many are “costume,” including one that I bought at a kiosk in Grand Central Terminal, and some cost under $75.  The one that I get asked about  almost daily is the knuckle ring on my left pointer finger.  What is crazy is that everyone from the gentleman who works at Shell gas station where I often buy my son his jumbo sunflower seeds, to a sales associate in the Chanel store is attracted to this ring.  The majority of people who compliment it say they wouldn’t actually wear it, and yet they like it.  For me, I always wear what I love and feels right.  From rings to clothes to shoes and accessories, you have to wear what you love.  Sometimes I take risks and push the envelope and other times I rely on go to pieces that always make me feel good (and thin!).

I started watching The Bachelor back in NYC in 2002.  I met a woman in my apartment building (we had recently relocated from LA) and she invited me to her “book club”.  I’m a slow reader and I had a newborn and a toddler, so I warned her I probably would be an awful member.  She assured me “not to worry” …. everyone had babies and they actually didn’t read books - they were going to meet weekly to watch a reality TV show.  I had found my people in NYC.  We ordered gourmet delivery food, ate these crazy delicious cupcakes every week, and watched our show between talking about parenting, marriage, work, food and life. I remained part of this group until a few months after moving to CT and have fantastic memories of this time. (and found the picture at the bottom of our group gathered in CT).  I recently reconnected with the show but that’s just embarrassing —I’ll move on to the ring.  In one of the tell-all episodes, at the close of the season (I’m guessing 2006), one of the bachelor contestants was wearing a ring that caught my eye.  Most people wouldn't have noticed it.  Some people would have noticed it and moved on. I spent hours that night googling (google is one of my FAVORITE things in addition to hair straightening and air conditioning).  And google didn't disappoint. Found - ordered and when I put it on it was a little like Cinderella and the glass slipper.  When you think of this being about 15 years ago, (most people were NOT wearing rings that covered three quarters of their finger), it was definitely a statement. There have been very few days (when we were able to leave the house of course) that someone I saw while I was out, met for the first time, rang out my groceries, sat next to me at a cafe, or passed me on the street didn’t ask me about the ring. In fact, when I’m out with my family and hear someone say, “I love your ring,” I can see my sons and husband roll their eyes - every time, everywhere.

So… what is the point of all this?  I’m not totally sure but I know a few things.  One is that style is not always about how much you spend.  My $60 purchase has been one of my most prized possessions for years.  A second thought would be that there are no rules on mixing metals - I say wear your gold, silver, rose gold and brass all together.  I also think you can find almost anything on the internet if you search long enough.  And my last take away is that your personality and confidence is all that matters when choosing items to incorporate into your style.   Find something you love that speaks to you and own it.

The original Bachelor “Book Club”

The original Bachelor “Book Club”


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